War criminals get cosy

“He’s a great friend of mine. He’s a great friend of America. I am grateful for his courage and his resolve. I value his advice and good judgement.”

President George W. Bush offered his praise to Prime Minister John Howard last night as he collected The Woodrow Wilson International Centre for Scholars. Howard is a scholar? How about a blood-drenched leader keen to hang onto the boot-straps of a fundamentalist American administration? The Fairfax press were much kinder in their analysis.

What the hell was British lawyer Geoffrey Robertson doing at the event? This human rights advocate, a constant critic of the “Coalition”, shouldn’t be attending. But then, perhaps the elite can forgive the minor transgression of launching war on a false premise for just one wine-soaked evening?

Phil Gomes put it best on the weekend:

“…It’s a highly partisan outfit well and truly connected to the Republican power centres of Washington, just another self-congratulatory circle jerk designed to reward loyal foot soldiers. Friends giving awards to friends. I’m sure Howard will wear it proudly on his Wallaby trackies while out on his Forrest Gump like power walks.”