Category Interviews

TRT World debate on the drug war and legalising all drugs

My “debate” on global broadcaster TRT World’s The Newsmakers on the drug war and why all drugs should be legalised and regulated. These ideas are inspired by my recent book, Pills, Powder and Smoke: Inside the Bloody War on Drugs. The other panelists are former DEA head, Mike Vigil, and Portuguese expert on harm minimisation,…

ABC Radio National Big Ideas on Afghanistan and the Taliban

The ongoing humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan receives far too little international media attention. Last night ABC Radio National Big Ideas program featured a discussion about the issues: The crisis in Afghanistan Six months after the withdrawal of Australian troops from Afghanistan, it is clear the embattled country is in the midst of a major humanitarian…

The enduring legacy of disaster capitalism in its many forms

The stubbornness of disaster capitalism is legendary. I recently spoke to the New York-based podcast series News Beat on the war in Afghanistan and how many people made a fortune during the 20-year US occupation. The show has done a follow-up episode just on disaster capitalism and in it I discuss mining, Blackwater founder Erik…

The Afghan war as a grifter’s paradise

What was the post 9/11 Afghan war really about? This great New York-based, award-winning podcast, News Beat, has produced a one-hour examination of this very question, melding journalism with hip-hip. I’m one of the guests talking about disaster capitalism in the war-torn nation.

Twenty Years of the Afghan war

I’m excited to announce the launch of Twenty Years, a project more than two years in the making: Twenty Years is an artistic and journalistic project to assess the legacy of the post 9/11, US-led war in Afghanistan. Originally conceived in 2019 by journalist, author and film-maker Antony Loewenstein and artist Tia Kass alongside Afghans…

Rising Palestinian voices

My recent interview with Bay FM, a great community radio station in Byron Bay, Australia. The interviewer Fernando has constructed an interesting, podcast-style production on Israel/Palestine: BayFM 99.9 · Palestine Special with Mohammed & Muna El-Kurd and Antony Loewenstein 14.06.21

Sky News TV interview on Israel, Palestine and Gaza

My TV interview with Sky News on the weekend talking Palestine, Israel, occupation, Jewish dissent, Israeli extremism and media bias. We covered quite a lot considering it’s a normally pro-Israel, Murdoch-owned network. The 100s and 100s of comments below the video oscillate between support and calls for violence against Palestinians.

Ubud Writer’s Festival event on Pills, Powder and Smoke

I was invited to this year’s Ubud Writer’s Festival in Bali, Indonesia, one of the best literary festivals in the world. I attended twice more than a decade ago (and had extraordinary experiences in the Muslim-majority province, Aceh). This year, now run online, is a session about my drug war book, Pills, Powder and Smoke: Inside the Bloody War on Drugs, in conversation with…

Crime Spot podcast on the drug war

Austrian-based podcast, Crime Spot, “picks up on current events and looks behind the scenes to better understand the role played by organized crime in shaping modern events and crises.” I was recently interviewed about my latest book, Pills, Powder and Smoke: Inside the Bloody War on Drugs.

How to Sell a Massacre book launch

Back in 2019, Al Jazeera English released a stunning 3-year long investigation into the National Rifle Association (NRA) and Australia’s One Nation political party, How to Sell a Massacre. The journalist behind the story, Peter Charley, has written a fine book about it and I recently interviewed him at a (virtual) book launch.

ABC Radio National discussion with Yanis Varoufakis on disaster capitalism

I recently spoke at the Adelaide Writer’s Festival talking about Palestine, my recent book, Pills, Powder and Smoke: Inside the Bloody War on Drugs, and disaster capitalism with former Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis. My events can be heard here and here. My conversation with Varoufakis was recently broadcast on Australia’s ABC Radio National Big…

Britain’s Novara Media TV interview on Pills, Powder and Smoke

Last week in London, during my book tour for Pills, Powder and Smoke: Inside the Bloody War on Drugs, I was interviewed by one of the country’s leading alternative media groups, Novara Media. With a massive online reach, the conversation covered a lot of ground from Honduras to legalisation to why the drug war is…

Frontline Club in London on Pills, Powder and Smoke

This week I appeared at London’s famous Frontline Club talking about my new book just out in the UK, Pills, Powder and Smoke: Inside the Bloody War on Drugs. I was in conversation with BBC Newsnight International Editor Gabriel Gatehouse and we discussed in front of a full house Honduras, Guinea-Bissau, legalisation and a range…

Al Jazeera Arabic film on privatised war in Yemen

Al Jazeera Arabic just released a documentary on the brutal war in Yemen, the use of militias and how the conflict is being privatised with violent contractors. I’m interviewed in the film (not because I’ve been to Yemen but due to my extensive work post 9/11 on the use/abuse of private contractors in war). An…

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