This is what the West has backed for 3 decades in Egypt; depravity

Remarkable documents have emerged from Egypt from inside Alexandria’s State Security compound: This past weekend, Egyptians lost their patience and simply started dismantling it themselves. After reports of documents being burned and moved out by the truckload, crowds converged on its offices in Alexandria, Cairo, and the southern city of Aswan. Once they broke in,…

Memo to Western MSM; Twitter revolutions exist only in your heads

Jordanian activist Sohail Dahdal: The rise of social media made a set of online tools for revolution readily available and accessible to the largest demographic in the Middle East — youth. Put a powerful tool of communication in the hands of a handful of highly motivated, highly educated activists with the potential to reach the…

Zionist occupiers abuse children in the name of “democracy”

The sheer desperation of these actions show what Israel has become. Foul: Israeli Channel 10 TV aired yesterday footage filmed by Nariman and Bilal a-Tamimi, volunteers in B’Tselem’s video project and residents of Nabi Saleh, offering a rare glimpse into a new method employed by the army: soldiers enter homes at night to photograph youngsters…

West has no moral case for military actions in Arab world

Roger Cohen in the New York Times is spot-on but mark my words; most journalists, think-tankers, commentators and politicians have deliberately short memories. In time they’ll simply say: “Our complicity in Arab horrors? Oh but it’s so complicated…”: Hearings should be held in the U.S. Congress and throughout Western legislatures on these questions: How did…

Civil space shrinking in Gaza thanks to Hamas, Israel and Egypt

The Islamist group does itself no favours with such behaviour: Hamas authorities in Gaza should immediately lift bans arbitrarily imposed on books and newspapers, Human Rights Watch said today. Hamas security officers recently confiscated copies of novels from bookstores on the basis of their allegedly “immoral” content, and Hamas officials bar newspapers from being brought…

Murder civilians and continue getting mercenary work

The future of warfare: The number of private security personnel working for the US military in Afghanistan rose to 18,919 at the end of last year, the highest level used in any conflict by the United States, a congressional report said. The Congressional Research Service report said that the number of private security contractor personnel…

Anti-Semitism charge only card Zionists can throw at Greens activists

As the New South Wales election approaches, Marrickville Greens candidate, Fiona Byrne – who has bravely led a campaign of BDS against apartheid Israel – is smeared by Murdoch hack David Penberthy in today’s Sydney’s Daily Telegraph. Advocating for human rights in Palestine is like Nazis killing and bashing Jews before the Holocaust? Yes, charming:…

America has so many best friends in the world

You have to laugh. How many nations are so keen to be close with Washington and will send troops to their pointless wars to prove the point? President Obama, hosting a visit by the French president, January 10, 2011: “We don’t have a stronger friend and stronger ally than Nicolas Sarkozy, and the French people.”…

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