John Pilger to Sydney’s Marrickville council; stand up for Palestine

John Pilger has sent the following message to Marrickville councillors: “Sometimes, looked at from the outside, Australia is a strange place. In other ‘western democracies’ the ‘debate’ about the enduring injustice dealt the Palestinians and Israel’s…  lawlessness has moved forward to the point where the cynical campaign of… anti-Semitism smears is no longer effective — in…

Dissident Israelis support Marrickville BDS plan

What a shock to actually read something on this issue that discusses the reality for Palestinians under Zionist occupation: Letter to Marrickville Council from concerned citizens of Israel urging you to stand firm in your support of BDS We are Israeli citizens who witness first-hand the brutality of our government’s policies towards the Palestinian people.…

Australian media incapable of hearing Palestinians

How to define farce? The Australian media’s coverage of Israel/Palestine and BDS. Palestinians and Arabs remain largely absent from discussion, lest they infect people’s minds. Instead, today we have a litany of articles that say nothing about the Middle East apart from craven white people desperate to pray at the altar of Zionist “democracy”. The…

Murdoch press finds humour in Jewish-free Sydney suburb

This is what passes for comedy in Sydney’s Daily Telegraph. The message is very clear; be critical of Israel, condemn the occupation and urge Israel to follow international law and be accused of Jew hating and anti-Semitism by the Murdoch thugs. Sydney’s Marrickville council endorsed BDS as a principled and increasingly popular global movement. The…

Where are the Arab voices in Aussie BDS debate?

My following story appears in today’s edition of Crikey: A few weeks after the start of the Iraq war in 2003, I talked to a senior editor at The Sydney Morning Herald and asked her why there were basically no Iraqi voices in the paper, either for or against the conflict. “I never thought of…

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