Canberra should ditch Serco and offer support for people not firms

This is what Australia has created. A militarised and privatised system to house asylum seekers. Christmas Island remains in a state of heightened tension. The Australian offers a little more information about the state of dysfunction between the federal government and British multinational Serco: While private security firm Serco has come under scrutiny for understaffing…

Memo to reporters in Australia; refugees are already being smeared and abused

Here’s how the Australian media sometimes report on asylum seekers. There’s no doubt that the country’s refugee policy is out of control, privatised forces (namely Serco) run the system with few checks or balances and journalists often simply ignore the bigger picture but can sensitivity towards vulnerable people not be ignored? Asylum seekers awaiting processing…

Palestinians heard backing BDS in Marrickville

With all the talk about Marrickville council embracing BDS in Sydney, Palestinian voices have been largely absent. Like in so many debates about the Middle East in the West, all we hear are Zionists and Zionists. Well, let’s change that right now. Here’s Australians for Palestine public advocate Samah Sabawi and the group’s founder Sonja…

Aussie Zio bullies want no debate about Palestine here

The Australian Jewish News write these stories like Israel is about to destroyed by the mere mention of Palestinian rights. Insecure much? The leader of the Government in the Senate, Chris Evans, has denied that he refused to condemn an anti-Israel boycott this week. Senator Mitch Fifield accused Evans of failing to speak out against…

Mr Howard wants to learn how to colonise quietly

I’m sure the great former Australian leader will talk to the Zionist state about the best ways to kill Arabs under occupation: Former prime minister John Howard will visit Israel as a guest of the Israeli government. The trip is being treated as a state visit and will include a meeting with Prime Minister Benjamin…

How much Australian aid is privatised and hidden?

This is a good story in Sydney’s Daily Telegraph that outlines the gross waste of Australian aid across the world. Accountability is the least we can expect. What needs to be further examined – something I’m researching – is which private companies here and overseas are scamming the system: Australia’s $4.5 billion foreign aid program…

Another moment in Australia’s dysfunctional refugee system

A refugee activist from Western Australia writes to me: An Iraqi asylum seeker I visit at a detention centre just got a rejection letter from DIAC [Department of Immigration and Citizenship]. His brother is an Aussie citizen whom I have met while he has been visiting the Iraqi. After waiting 14 months, the government says…

If only Sri Lanka was more like Libya

Very powerful and true letter published in yesterday’s Melbourne Age: I am a Sri Lankan. In 2009, we had the same issue as Libya: Sri Lankan armed forces killed civilians during the fight against the rebels. The Australian Tamils wrote to then prime minister Kevin Rudd to help stop the bloodshed and prevent the innocents…

Australia’s Zionist lobby worried BDS may be catching

The ongoing controversy over Sydney’s Marrickville council backing BDS against Israel is getting the political and media establishment and Zionist lobby worried. So what to do? Find a compliant Federal politician who loves Israel to death and will do anything to defend Zionist occupation. Victorian Liberal Mitch Fifield is your man. He’s been on trips…

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