How many Israelis view journalists doing their job

Gideon Levy on how the Israeli public truly views the latest controversy over press freedom, Anat Kamm, Uri Blau and censorship: If it depended on public opinion, Kamm and Blau would be executed and Haaretz would be shut down on the spot. The general who gave the assassination orders revealed by Kamm and Blau has…

If only Israel had more people like Gideon Levy

The totally unique Israeli journalist Gideon Levy is interviewed by the Electronic Intifada and doesn’t hold back: The Israeli media, which is a free media, free of censorship, free of governmental pressure, has been dehumanizing the Palestinians, demonizing them. Without the cooperation of the Israeli media, the occupation would not have lasted so long. It…

East Jerusalem should not be touched

While Gideon Levy in Haaretz hopes and prays Barack Obama keeps up his pressure on Israel: Obama is asking Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and through him every Israeli, to finally speak the truth. He’s asking Netanyahu and the rest of us: What on earth do you actually want? Enough with the misleading answers; the moment…

FInding a way back to endless talking between Arabs and Israelis

Gideon Levy writes in Haaretz that Washington must back its recent comments to Israel with more than words: Israel – addicted to the occupation, and showing symptoms of overdose and accumulated damage – has finally found a savior to rescue it from its plight. Israel’s redeemer hasn’t just stood idly by for 40 years, but…

Sane voices still exist in Israel, see below

Two pieces from the weekend Haaretz newspaper that are worth sharing. Gideon Levy: The Israeli peace camp didn’t die. It was never born in the first place. While it’s true that since the summer of 1967, several radical and brave political groups have been working against the occupation – all worthy of recognition – a…

Israel as a “fascist state under the cover of Zionism”

Gideon Levy in Haaretz: How can we truly know what happened in the Gaza Strip without Breaking the Silence, and how can we know what is happening in the West Bank every day without B’Tselem? But Im Tirtzu doesn’t want us to know; it wants to cover our shame. That, to it, is patriotism, but…

Israelis love to have an enemy

Larry Derfner in the Jerusalem Post defines his fellow country men and women as unified as a police state: When we think of the economy, we think of “me.” But when we think of “us,” we think first and last of “them.” Of course, there are loads and loads of generous, public-spirited Israelis doing great…

Settlers define the Israeli way of life

Gideon Levy in Haaretz asks the settlers a few questions and knows he will never receive satisfactory answers. Occupation is their way of life, supported, funded and backed by the Western powers. Prove us wrong: Try to get their opinion on how things will look here in another decade or two. For how many more…

Gideon Levy as a voice of sanity on Gaza anniversary

Gideon Levy in Haaretz on his scathing assessment of Israel’s deluded soul over its Gaza war: Today it is more shameful to be an Israeli because the world, as opposed to Israelis, saw the scenes. It saw thousands of dead and injured taken in the trunks of cars to something between a clinic and a…

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