Stay home Hillary, if that’s all you got

My latest New Matilda column is about the Obama administration’s first foray into the Middle East: On Palestine it’s hard to tell the difference between Obama and Bush. But while the US and Israel block progress, there are small signs of movement, writes Antony Loewenstein The number of people who believe in the two-state solution…

Love and affection from Rupert

Just one more reason why Fox News serves the community: The Daily Show With Jon StewartM – Th 11p / 10c Bill O’Reilly’s Right to Privacy Daily Show Full EpisodesImportant Things With Demetri Martin Funny Political NewsJoke of the Day

Act like little school children

Rupert Murdoch’s Sky News journalist Tim Marshall praises the Tamil community for being good little protesters in London but those damn Palestinian supporters need to really understand that civility is the appropriate response in the face of Israeli aggression: The weekend’s demonstration by Britain’s Tamil population showed us how a demonstration in the UK should…

No really, I love you

Tom Switzer, former opinion editor of the Australian newspaper and research fellow at the conservative think-tank Institute of Public Affairs, redefines the term, ‘”getting too close to power“: Tom Switzer in The Spectator has a close encounter of the ex-prime-ministerial kind My wife Sarah and I recently had the wonderful experience of having John Howard…

The eternal victim

My following article appeared yesterday in the Canadian magazine Adbusters: Each side in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict believes criticisms in the media are biased, but the Palestinians are the ones doing almost all the suffering and dying these days. Antony Loewenstein argues for reality-based… coverage. Israel’s highly decorated Chief of Staff, Mordechai Gur, once said, “we make…

Our boys are so brave, daring, beautiful, courageous etc.

This article from today’s Australian newspaper, headlined “Taking the fight to the Taliban”, could have been written by the Australian government (ie. a press release dressed up as propaganda): “Get to the wall, spread out, spread out.” The words can be heard amid the clatter of automatic weapons fire. There is a brief pause, more…

Run for your lives, terror lovers

Yet another amazing Murdoch scoop (no doubt fed to the eager reporter by a happy British “defense” official): Anti-terror bosses last night hailed their latest ally in the war on terror — the Black Death. At least 40 al-Qaeda fanatics died horribly after being struck down with the disease that devastated Europe in the Middle…

Such truths can’t be denied

Israel is committing war crimes. The headline of an article by George E. Bisharat, published in the Wall Steet Journal, arguably the most strongly pro-Zionist mainstream paper in the US (owned by Rupert Murdoch, of course.)

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