Fascism lands in Israel and the West doesn’t blink

Powerful piece by… Shaul Arieli in Haaretz: The erosion of Israel’s image and credibility among world leaders and global public opinion is presented as “that same anti-Semitism in other garb.” The process of delegitimizing the booming settlement enterprise and the opposition to continued Israeli control of the territories are termed “wild incitement.” The latest excuse: The…

If this isn’t Zionist apartheid, then what is part 553222?

Haaretz uncovers an important document: Israel’s Civil Administration issues 101 different types of permits to govern the movement of Palestinians, whether within the West Bank, between the West Bank and Israel or beyond the borders of the state, according to an agency document of which Haaretz obtained a copy. The most common permits are those…

Life under occupation from Palestinian Bethlehem

Life in Palestine is often transmitted to the West by people who don’t live there, merely passing through. Father Peter Bray, the Vice Chancellor of Bethlehem University, has… regularly written missives… about reality under occupation. This is his Christmas message: 22nd… December 2011 Greetings again from this holy place! I still find it amazing to be here in…

Israel’s growing anti-democratic tide deepens

My following essay appears in Lebanon’s Al Akhbar English: Radical Jewish colonists in the occupied Palestinian West Bank have been attacking Arabs for decades. In the past these incidents barely rated a mention in the Israeli press, let alone the global corporate media. It was only this month after a small group of Zionists rioted…

How Palestinians are heroes for living alongside Zionist backed thugs

Amira Hass on a people who one day will be seen as having suffered under the rule of a Zionist ruled dictatorship (funded and indulged by a global, Jewish Diaspora, including countless liberal Zionists, who remain silent or conflicted): The Palestinians are heroes, and that’s the only fact that’s relevant after the slight shock of…

Calling all McCarthyists; Zionism needs you now

Debate over Israel/Palestine is shifting. Can you imagine even five years ago a Palestinian-American such as Ahmed Moor (co-editor with me on a book coming out in 2012 called After Zionism) talking constructively to a Jewish Rabbi about the one-state solution? Meanwhile, in mad Zionist land, where another Holocaust is always around the corner, the…

How Fox News serves us daily a whole heap of goodness

2011 has been a Fox News year with a Muslim American President, socialism in the class room, terrorists in the White House and: Elie Wiesel, Mr Murdoch, is a Holocaust survivor but he has used his fame to care about all kinds of causes (including, according to Norman Finkelstein, exploiting groups and firms involved in…

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