Battle of the Zionist lobbies

After J Street condemned Sarah Palin for encouraging the expansion of illegal, Jewish settlements in the West Bank, J Street condemned her recklessness. Leading Zionist figure Abe Foxman condemned J Street for condemning Palin and questioned the group’s “pro-Israel” position. J Street responded and wrote this: Abe, we can disagree on matters of policy.…  You…

When “apartheid” is the only word to use

The Middle East Report dedicates an edition to the key issue in the Middle East: We have used the word “apartheid” to describe Israel’s system of rule over the Palestinians with eyes wide open to the incendiary quality of the term and the uniqueness of the South African ordeal that it automatically evokes. Our purpose…

Jordan is happy to be used as a place where terror is trained

“The war on terror” is all about keeping our bastards on a short leash in an attempt to get them to abuse/kill/detain the pre-determined enemy. So simple and yet so costly: In the bleak and seemingly endless desert expanse that unfolds east of Jordan’s capital city, Amman, lies a crucial cog in the ambitious regional…

Of course we should examine the occupation, not ignore it

The New York Review of Books has a blog and David Shulman weighs in on the UN Goldstone report, rejecting the criticism that the wider context of the occupation be forgotten: …The report’s attempt to link whatever happened in Gaza with what has been going on in the West Bank for the last forty-two years…

The face of Palestinian resistance

The Palestinian town of Nil’in has been the place of countless acts of weekly resistance against Israel’s “security” wall. Here’s some raw footage of a protest on 13 November (thanks to Joseph Dana):

Settlements are killing Israel…so some Americans love them

The issue of illegal, Jewish settlements in the West Bank are getting a lot of press recently. First, Sarah Palin in a media interview for her newly released book (an utterly deluded affair, writes Andrew Sullivan, and a woman thrust on the world by a group of neo-conservatives, something we should never forget): I believe…

Washington proves how utterly powerless it wants to be in the Middle East

I thank Mondoweiss for drawing attention to this interesting exchange at the US State Department yesterday between spokesman Ian Kelly and Associated Press journalist Matt Lee (though a few other people are involved). They are discussing the news that Israel has approved 900 more homes in occupied territory: MR. KELLY: Well, I think, Michel, you’ve…

Settlement halt? Don’t make me laugh

Two abused children and one shows who’s boss: Israel has given the go ahead for the construction of 900 housing units in occupied… East Jerusalem, rebuffing a reported US request that it block construction at the Gilo settlement, officials have said.

Gideon Levy on Israel: we are in a coma

Gideon Levy, a fine Israeli journalist, speaks to the Real News Network: I know there is a change in the Jewish community in the United States, but it’s too little and too late…Israel, the Israeli society, is in a situation of coma for at least ten years.

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