One meaning of the Israel/Australia bond is selling weapons to the other

This from the Electronic Intifada in February: Despite Israel’s oppressive tactics against it, the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement has marked additional victories with many institutional investors divesting from or blacklisting Israeli military contractor Elbit Systems. One of the largest Dutch pension funds told The Electronic Intifada today that it is selling off its…

Latest West Bank shenanigans

The great Amira Hass, a beacon in dark times. One: The army has declared the West Bank villages of Bil’in and Na’alin a ‘closed military area’ until August 17, it emerged Monday. In arresting a demonstrator on Friday, police cited a military edict closing off the two villages, where weekly protests against the barrier Israel…

Australian mainstream newspaper dares to say a few things about East Jerusalem

For the Sydney Morning Herald, yesterday’s editorial is pretty strong. A sign, perhaps, that the Zionist lobby isn’t always running the agenda in the corporate media: Stephen Smith, the Foreign Minister, is right to be outraged by Israel’s announcement last week of plans for 1600 houses for Jewish settlers in East Jerusalem. Venturing beyond Australia’s…

A letter in the SMH to counter Zionist spin

Following yesterday’s article in the Sydney Morning Herald by Zionist lobbyist Vic Alhadeff, I submitted the following unpublished letter: Once again we have the sorry sight of an Australian Zionist spokesman, Vic Alhadeff (15/3/10) seemingly incapable of condemning Israel’s ever-expanding colonisation of the West Bank. While the international community is becoming increasingly intolerant of the…

Obama has no issue with settlements (if he did, he’d pull money)

Just in case it wasn’t clear that America essentially approves Israeli building in East Jerusalem, read here. The sound and fury coming from Washington is purely for show. And it means nothing on the ground. Meanwhile, the US Zionist lobby is getting angry with the Obama administration. How dare you say anything critical of Israel,…

How many American Jews are upset with Israel?

The Jewish Forward newspaper is unhappy (sure, it’s pitifully weak, but unlike the Australian Jewish News, Israel can occasionally step out of line): There were the expected handshakes and bear hugs, the slaps on the back and supportive words amiably expressed before the media. Just what ought to happen when Israel welcomes the vice president…

Israel’s Dubai hit continues the country’s moral decline

My following article is published on the Huffington Post: Israel is facing a revolt from the Jewish Diaspora. “Intifada” is an Arabic word meaning “shaking off”, as one would violently discard a scorpion. Israel is managing its own “intifada” from within. I write as a 36-year-old Australian Jew who has recently signed, with 37 Australian…

Australians demanding our government defend citizens in Palestine

The following article by Pip Hinman appears in this week’s Green Left Weekly: Bridget Chappell, an Australian solidarity worker in the Palestinian territory of the West Bank, was arrested by occupying Israeli forces on February 7 and threatened with deportation for simply engaging in peaceful protests alongside Palestinians. Solidarity activists have asked Australia’s foreign affairs…

The marriage made in hell: Christion Zionists and Jews get down and dirty

The recent Christians United for Israel conference in Israel was a unique opportunity to see up close the growing Christian Zionist movement (and their desperate Jewish mates) defend every Israeli action. They’re a threat and should not be ignored. They’re loving Israel to death. Max Blumenthal provides some other details about CUFI’s John Hagee: Hagee’s…

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