ABCTV News24 on US violence and Israeli apartheid

I appeared on ABC TV News 24’s The Drum last night (video here) with host Tim Palmer, and panelists NSW Liberal politician Pru Goward and ABC journalist Conor Duffy.

We discussed the horrific killings in the US and the heated political and media rhetoric that may have created an atmosphere of hate. Commentators may not be directly responsible but who can question the possibility when shock-jocks talk openly about forming militias to protect the country from “socialist” Barack Obama? The language of war and conflict – for example, “collateral damage” for the murder of civilians – has become common. America is one sick country.

Another major subject of debate was the latest Israeli crimes in East Jerusalem and the non-existent “peace process”. The world has been playing a cruel and deadly game for decades while Zionist colonisation continues. Ironically, Israeli actions have killed the two-state solution, leaving only one likely outcome; the end of the Jewish state.