Barking mad

The Sydney Morning Herald’s Peter Hartcher continues his incisive commentary, ensuring future success at the Fairfax masthead:

“What if all politicians were dogs? A researcher, Tim Grau of the public affairs consultancy Springboard Australia, asked focus groups of voters to think of politicians that way…When it came to the Opposition Leader, Kim Beazley, by far the most common reaction was Saint Bernard, followed by Great Dane. Once more, a Labor voter with a mean streak – perhaps it was the same respondent in all three cases – compared him to an overweight German shepherd.”

Hartcher will be advising politicians within weeks as he’ll soon be applying his political analysis on the cat and snake family. Watch this space.

Meanwhile, Italian aid worker Clementina Cantoni has been released by her kidnappers in Afghanistan. She had been working for CARE International on a project helping Afghan widows and their families.