Category Video

ABCTV Big Ideas on Profits of Doom and vulture capitalism

The following was broadcast today on ABCTV1: Can vulture capitalism be stopped? That’s the question put up by… Antony Loewenstein… in his last book… ”˜Profits of Doom: How vulture capitalism is swallowing the world’. He’s a writer, photographer, blogger, doco-maker and always a provocateur. He’s in conversation here with… Chip Rolley, editor of the ABC’s… The Drum. The focus of…

What price for real security? Melbourne Writer's Festival on Profits of Doom

Today, on 11 September, ABC1 and ABC Big Ideas… screens the following… (and I discuss my recent book Profits of Doom): Personal, economic, geopolitical security – this is the panel discussion from the… Melbourne Writers Festival. Who gets to make the decisions in these arenas? And why are we so damned anxious and insecure in this continuing period…

Centre for Public Christianity discusses For God’s Sake

The new book… For God’s Sake… is a discussion between an Atheist, a Jew, a Christian and a Muslim about the big questions of life. CPX invited Jane Caro, Antony Loewenstein and Simon Smart to discuss their reasons for writing the book and to debate some of the questions that are raised in it.

Talking For God’s Sake on Weekend Sunrise TV

What an interesting morning. Today all us writers of the For God’s Sake book appeared on Channel 7’s Weekend Sunrise program. It was strange watching this segment back and noticing that under my name on the screen it read, “Jew”. It was a unique opportunity to explain that Judaism and Zionism aren’t the same thing…

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