Free trips to fellate Israel

Are there no limits to the whoring the political and media elite won’t display towards Israel?

Deputy Prime Minister Julia Gillard will lead a delegation to Israel next month as part of a bid to strengthen political, business and cultural ties between Australia and Israel.

The tour, organised by pro-Israel lobby group the Australia Israel Cultural Exchange, will include in the 40-strong delegation Liberal MPs Peter Costello, Christopher Pyne, George Brandis, Guy Barnett, Labor MP Mark Dreyfus, QC, Jewish scientists, academics, businessmen and women, plus conservative News Limited columnists Greg Sheridan , Andrew Bolt and Alan Howe.

Expect discussions about Israeli “democracy”, “rule of law”, “dedication to peace” and “Palestinian terrorism.”

Expect nothing about the reality of Zionist apartheid.

Even some previously pro-Israel politicians in the US are waking up.