How not to die on the job

The Committee to Protect Journalists reveals the parlous state of world affairs:

At least 82 journalists fled their native countries under threat or harassment in the last 12 months, with more than half coming from conflict-ridden Iraq and Somalia, the Committee to Protect Journalists has found in a new survey. The rate of journalists going into exile—about seven per month—is double the average that CPJ has recorded since it began compiling such data in 2001.

In the majority of cases, journalists literally ran for their lives. CPJ found that 51 journalists worldwide fled their homes after being assaulted, threatened with violence, or threatened with death. Severe harassment—such as police surveillance, repeated interrogations, and sporadic detentions—drove another 19 journalists to flee worldwide. The threat of imprisonment prompted 12 to seek exile.

This is even more reason why a new monument in London pays tribute to journalists killed in the line of duty. Ironic, isn’t it, that Iraq and Somalia, both nations with American occupation or meddling, are suffering the most?