Make a donation

As you can see on the sidebar to the right of this post, I’ve added a donation mechanism – a button if you will – to my blog. It’s been a tough decision.


Since starting this blog, a number of people have come forward to kindly offer financial support. Others have suggested the inclusion of advertisements. Until now I’ve resisted both. As many of you will know, I’m currently writing a book on Israel/Palestine and freelancing, and as much as I enjoy what I’m doing, I’m hardly living the life of a king.

So, after much consideration, I’ve decided to go ahead with the donation button. If you’re feeling generous, or would simply like to show appreciation for the unique material published here, you can click on it to make a donation. I will not be reminding readers regularly about this feature. Do with it as you will.



Text and images ©2025 Antony Loewenstein. All rights reserved.

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