Advocating the one-state solution (for settlers and Zionist extremists)

A key argument of my recently released book After Zionism is to find ways to reach the one-state solution between Israel and Palestine. It’s the only truly just outcome. But others, namely the colonists in Palestine, have another idea. A one-state solution that permanently excludes Arabs. The Times of Israel reports: MK Tzipi Hotovely knew…

Important background to the Marrickville BDS story

Following my post earlier today about the issue of BDS in Australia and the role of Australian politicians siding blindly with the Zionist state, an insider sent me the following information which provides essential understanding of the truth behind the story. If you think politicians who embrace Israel are principled, think again: Sadly, this is…

“After Zionism” begins now

I’m pleased to announce that my new book, After Zionism, co-edited with Ahmed Moor, is now available in the UK, in bookstores across Australia, Amazon UK and Kindle (many other places and formats to come). The coming months will see a range of media and events in a host of countries and outlets. But first…

Why Zionist PR is failing (and will continue to do so)

Juan Cole has some useful tips that will be ignored by the Zionist establishment. For them, belligerence and accusing any critics of anti-Semitism is a way of life. All the while, Israel is committing a very public form of suicide: 1) Giving the finger to any ”˜peace process’ 2) Hypocrisy 3) Disregard for the rule…

Vulture capitalists fails and yet its masters will thrive

One (via the Guardian): The depth of the crisis over… G4S‘s… Olympic security… preparations became increasingly clear on Thursday as recruits revealed details of a “totally chaotic” selection process and… police… joined the… military… in bracing themselves to fill the void left by the private security contractor. Guards told how, with 14 days to go until the Olympics opening ceremony, they had…

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