It’s more than just swiping your plastic

Israeli peace group Gush Shalom alerts the world to the direct complicity of Mastercard in the West Bank colonial project: The holders of an Isracard and/or Mastercard credit cards in Israel have received in the past weeks an offer for a “City of David tour” with “attractions for the entire family” – an innocuous sounding…

This is the answer?

Ron Kampeas of JTA has an idea how to better sell Zionism to the world: Israel could — with some degree of success — portray the occupation as relatively benign. Look, the Palestinians have a free press (sometimes). They go to universities (sometimes). They elect their own mayors (once). Yes, those Arabs really don’t mind…

Perhaps not the best rep

If the UN retains any dignity, this move must be firmly rejected: Egypt is pushing hard to get its culture minister named as the head of the UN agency promoting cultural diversity. But as Farouk Hosni heads to Paris Wednesday to campaign for the job, he has to overcome controversy over his comments vowing to…

Free Ezra

A message from Jewish Voice for Peace: Join Naomi Klein, Neve Gordon, Noam Chomsky and thousands of others and tell Israel not to jail Ezra Nawi, one of Israel’s most courageous human rights activists. His crime? He tried to stop a military bulldozer from destroying the homes of Palestinian Bedouins in the South Hebron region.…

A belief in Zionist excess

Random beatings. Excessive violence. Hatred of Palestinians. Daily life in the occupied, Palestinian territories: Two Israeli officers have testified that troops in the West Bank beat, bound and blindfolded Palestinian civilians as young as 14. The damaging disclosures by two sergeants of the Kfir Brigade include descriptions of abuses they say they witnessed during a…

Remembering the Jewish trauma

Amira Hass, the fine journalist from Haaretz, has edited a diary from her mother’s time in the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp: But let us not fall into the trap and think because Israel abuses the Holocaust and very often makes use of it in order to justify the repression and oppression of the Palestinians, let us…

Arabs, please wear a yellow star

Racism, Zionist-style: A community in northern Israel has changed its bylaws to demand that new residents pledge support for “Zionism, Jewish heritage and settlement of the land” in a thinly-veiled attempt to block Arab applicants from gaining admission.

Israeli society declines and what do we say?

Racism, my name is Israeli society: Lod’s Religions of Moses and Israel synagogue was burnt down seven months ago, but it’s manager has refused a generous donation to restore it, because the benefactor in a Muslim. Muhammad Abu-Matir, of the Muslim Waqf has offered to put up half the sum needed to rebuild the synagogue,…

Jews who need a good, long hug

Gideon Levy writes in Haaretz about the worthlessness and bigotry of the settlers in the West Bank and receives this comment (from Australia): It is people like Gideon Levy who do more harm to Israel than any anti-semite any where else could, simply because the fact that he`s *Israeli*, gives him the credibility to undermine…

Seriously, Arabs are humans, right?

A Palestinian blogger comments on Israel’s proposed “loyalty” law: I am Mohammed Al Safoori. I swear by the Torah of the Jews that I will be a loyal citizen to the State of Israel, and will respect traffic regulations, pay my taxes and put up a picture of Mira Awad in my living room. I…

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