1) An aid worker friend of mine, who regularly enters Gaza via Israel’s Eretz Crossing, was sent a questionnaire, a “satisfaction survey” from Israel, asking about its work:
A satisfaction survey has been created to help refine the role and services provided for our clientele. This survey will assess the types of services provided and the level of support you received from our office personnel.… Our ultimate goal is to provide you with professional, courteous, and efficient service. Once the survey is completed, the data will be compiled and reviewed by our staff. The survey is anonymous, so feel free to add any comment or suggestions.
There was a link to the following online questionnaire. Parody is dead and buried when occupiers are asking visitors how well they’re doing.
2) Arguing for a one-state solution and challenging Israeli racism usually brings some comical defences of Zionism. Here’s two examples (the first is by Australia’s “leading” Zionist lobby, AIJAC and the second is by CIF Watch about my recent After Zionism event in East Jerusalem). Note how in both cases there’s a pathological desire to demonise Arab and Palestinian ambitions and a willingness to maintain racist, Jewish domination because that’s what is supposedly required to protect Jews. Tragically, supporting occupation is now a popular Zionist trait.