Washington’s Big Brother is watching us

Talking about internet censorship in a nation like Iran is necessary and chilling. But, correctly writes the New York Times in an editorial today, how much do we know about the American government’s meddling in the online world? The government is increasingly monitoring Facebook, Twitter and other social networking sites for tax delinquents, copyright infringers…

The threat of Gmail for Islamic leaders

The state of human rights in Iran in 2009 has been grim and worsening. Reporters Without Borders highlights the web apartheid (possibly backed by Western multinationals): The authorities have also targeted the Internet in an attempt to extend their control to the new media. News websites that were likely to criticise Ahmadinejad’s victory, including around…

Materialism is alive and well in Iran

Iranian blogger Kamangir, currently living in Canada, tells us about a particular sub-set in the Islamic Republic: My friend is fascinated by a community of bloggers she tends to call the “Shooshoo Joon”s. The name can be translated to “My Beloved Husband” but I assure you that the Persian expression she uses is more than…

Iranians won’t stop shouting against oppression

While Iran erupts again with protesters against dictatorial rule, Reporters Without Borders finds massive attempts by authorities to shut down modern communications (a futile act, and only temporarily successful, that shows its desperation): The Iranian censors targeted the new-generation media with renewed energy. The authorities have responded, blow by blow, to demonstrations in recent months…

Raul Castro can’t crush all signs of dissent

Human rights in Cuba are grim. But as I discovered in The Blogging Revolution, bloggers are starting to challenge the government’s strangehold on information. We should therefore welcome news of the Bloggers Cuba group one year anniversary with optimism. Here’s Zorphdark: A couple of hours after the boring midday of May, I received the only…

Israel, the world really loves you, you better believe it

Zionist propagandists, don’t feel alone. Israel has a job for you. One truly wonders whether Israel is stupid or just overly optimistic. Better PR and more use of YouTube, Twitter and Facebook isn’t going to change the woeful international image of the Jewish state. Ending the occupation will help but there ain’t no chance of…

The net is the best way to bring us to the world and vice versa

Evgeny Morozov writes a fascinating blog about the internet and democracy on Foreign Policy. His latest essay for the magazine is a moving article that in many ways confirms the thesis of my book, The Blogging Revolution, namely that the web doesn’t on its own bring democracy but can undoubtedly radically re-shape global access to…

The Islamic Republic doesn’t trust its own citizens

When a regime is frightened of its own people, it’s a sure sign of decline and fear: Recently, the Islamic Republic of Iran Intelligence Ministry announced that in order to counter Internet activism in Iran, senior officers will be trained. The minister of the intelligence counted internet activism as a new… challenge for the regime. The…

The Jakarta Post: Changing people’s perceptions about Jews

The following feature by Desy Nurhayati appears in yesterday’s Jakarta Post: His recent visit to Aceh made Antony Loewenstein the first Jew that most people in the country’s devoutly Muslim province had ever met or engaged with. Some Acehnese he met were surprised to learn that the Jewish-Australian journalist, author of the controversial and best-selling…

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