Israel is an apartheid state; Discuss

Bitterlemons website has done just that, publishing four perspectives on the issue. Here’s John Dugard, a professor of international law and previous special rapporteur to the UN Human Rights Council on the human rights situation in the occupied Palestinian territory: BI:… Does the system in place in the occupied territories fit the UN definition of “apartheid”?… …

Throwing money to defend occupation should send Israel totally broke

Hello Israel, you have a major… issue: Israel is dispossessing Palestinians in east Jerusalem and the West Bank as well as its Arab minority with a “strategy of Judaisation,” a United Nations representative charged on Sunday. Presenting her preliminary findings after a tour of Israel and the Palestinian territories this month, the UN’s Special Rapporteur on…

722,000 Israeli Jews living illegally in Palestine

American blogger Richard Silverstein features a revealing figure from a leading Israeli newspaper: Yisrael HaYom published… today one of the more stark and telling statistics about the ”˜success’ of the Occupation: in 2011, 722,000 Israelis lived beyond the Green Line, including in settlements and East Jerusalem. … This was a 5% increase over 2010. … That means that…

This is how Australia handles Palestine; contempt with a smile

A Sydney-based friend wrote the following letter to members of the Labor Party in early November 2011: Dear Member I wake this morning to hear once more, with dismay, of the craven obeisance of the Australian Labor government to the wishes of the United States in voting against the recognition of Palestine at UNESCO.…  At…

Which part of Israeli discrimination don’t you understand?

Part one (via the Guardian): Israeli companies are entitled to exploit the West Bank’s natural resources for economic gain, according to a supreme court ruling that says international law must be adapted to the “reality on the ground” of long-term occupation. The supreme court rejected a petition brought by an Israeli human rights organisation against…

Fascism lands in Israel and the West doesn’t blink

Powerful piece by… Shaul Arieli in Haaretz: The erosion of Israel’s image and credibility among world leaders and global public opinion is presented as “that same anti-Semitism in other garb.” The process of delegitimizing the booming settlement enterprise and the opposition to continued Israeli control of the territories are termed “wild incitement.” The latest excuse: The…

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