Gaza protest chokes central Sydney

Several thousand people have again choked the streets of central Sydney in a protest over the Israeli bombing of Gaza.

The Israeli Government’s announcement of a ceasefire has been met with cynicism by many.

About 5,000 people crammed into the Sydney Town Hall’s forecourt to again condemn Israel over the deaths of 1,200 civilians in Gaza.

Journalist John Pilger accused the media of bowing to Israel in its reporting of the events in the Middle East.

“The media has built a wall between the massacres in Gaza and the truth of what has happened there,” he said.

The President of the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils, Ikebal Patel, says he doubts the ceasefire will hold.

“The ceasefire is not good enough if Israel does not get itself out of Gaza,” he said.

He says the Australian Government has been “lame” in its failing to condemn Israel’s actions.

The Melbourne rally today against the war was even bigger, according to reports.

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